Dr. Arielle Fogel, postdoctoral fellow, Clark laboratory, for "Equids on the edge: demographic and behavioral processes shaping the genomes of declining zebra species."
Satyam Srivastav, graduate student, Feschotte and Clark laboratories, for "Function and evolution of Kepi, an ancient piRNA cluster in Teleost fish."
CVG Scholar Awards
Akshayakeerthi Arthanarisami, graduate student, Grimson and Rudd laboratories, for "Determining the molecular mechanisms of CD8+ T cell Exhaustion."
Chloe Cheng, graduate student, Barrow laboratory, for "Investigating the role of AQP1 in obesity and metabolic disease."
Michelle Liu, graduate student, Weiss laboratory, for "Determining the Functional Role of the miR290-295 Cluster in Testicular Germ Cell Development."
Jenna Todero, graduate student, Sethupathy laboratory, for "Proteomic analysis in arsenic exposed humanized mice to determine sex specific effects in brown adipose."
Dr. Meihong Shi, postdoctoral fellow, Duan laboratory, for "Characterizing the role of MOF in maintaining pluripotency in bovine embryonic stem cells (bESCs)."
Honorable Mentions
Kuang-Tse Wang, graduate student, Adler laboratory, for "Delineating how RoboA suppresses FoxA+ stem cell differentiation."
Dr. Deepthi Mahishi, postdoctoral fellow, Yapici laboratory, for "Molecular characterization of mouse brainstem circuits and their role in regulating food intake."
Dr. Jessie Williamson, postdoctoral fellow, Lovette laboratory, for "Transcriptomic flexibility in a common garden: Do elevational specialists and generalists differ?."
Jonathan Thomalla, graduate student, Schimenti and Wolfner laboratories, for "Characterization and function of protein phospho-regulation during egg activation in mice and flies."
Dr. Daniel Sprockett, postdoctoral fellow, Moeller laboratory, for "The Genomics of Microbial Adaptation to the Nascent Adaptive Immune System."
Fall 2022
Distinguished Scholar Awards
Dr. Yiqin Wang, postdoctoral fellow, O'Brien and Clark laboratories, for "Genomic insights into the ethnic and sex differences in iron homeostasis"
CVG Scholar Awards
Dr. Mercedes Carro, postdoctoral fellow, Cohen laboratory, for "Silencing of sex chromosomes during spermatogenesis: a nuclear function for AGO proteins in meiosis"
Dr. Julien Morival, postdoctoral fellow, Lammerding laboratory, for "Elucidating the role of nucleo-cytoskeletal coupling in mechanotransduction"
Leanne Donahue, graduate student, White laboratory, for "Interrogating cell-specific chromatin alterations generated by the AT-hook protein Hmga2"
Connor Kean, graduate student, Grimson laboratory, for "Determining the microbially induced epigenomic changes in HSCs that drive the trained immunity of CD8+ T cells"
Mitch Lokey, graduate student, Clark and Messer laboratories, for "Improving conservation genetic management using genome-wide data from Florida’s only endemic bird, the endangered Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)"
Daryl Phuong, graduate student, Schimenti laboratory, for "Determining transitional cell state and genetic alterations for HGSC initiation and progression"
Sarah Saddoris, graduate student, Schang Laboratory, for "Chromatin Remodeling Complexes During Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Infection"
Alexandria Shumway, graduate student, Sethupathy laboratory, for "Defining transcriptome-wide 3' untranslated region usage patterns in human pediatric Crohn’s disease"
Fall 2021
Distinguished Scholar Awards
Mr. Matthew Edwards, graduate student, Koren laboratory, for "Comprehensive Genomic Mapping of Allele-specific DNA Replication Timing in Health and Disease"
Mr. Madhav Mantri, graduate student, De Vlaminck laboratory, for "Joint transcriptomic and immune receptor profiling of viral myocarditis"
Dr. Elena Panizza, postdoctoral fellow, Cerione laboratory, for "PARP9 as a novel target to radio-sensitize NAMPT-overexpressing glioma"
CVG Scholar Awards
Mr. Brian Aguilera, graduate student, Kurpios laboratory, for "Role of the homeodomain transcription factor Pitx2 in the differentiation and regeneration of the intestinal epithelium"
Dr. Carolline Ascencao, postdoctoral fellow, Smolka laboratory, for "Quality Control Mechanisms in Mammalian Meiosis: How Males Cope with the XY
Ms. Heesoo Jeong, graduate student, Vacanti laboratory, for "Identifying metabolic and proteomic alterations promoting survival of detached triple negative breast tumors"
Ms. Rosanna Ma, graduate student, Sethupathy laboratory, for "Defining the function of candidate oncogenic non-coding RNA LINC00473 in fibrolamellar carcinoma"
Mr. S. Blake Mitchell, graduate student, Ayedemir laboratory, for "Deletion of Zip14 incurs risk for ulcerative colitis by modulating host transcriptome and gut microbiome"
Dr. Sagar R. Shah, postdoctoral fellow, Lis and Yu laboratories, for "A comprehensive analysis of regulatory genomic landscape dynamics across the human body"
Dr. Anusha Shankar, postdoctoral fellow, Lovette and Vitousek laboratories, for "Hot and cold hummingbirds: Comparing birds and mammals to understand vertebrate sleep and torpor"
Fall 2020
Distinguished Scholar Awards
Ms. Ni-Chen Sylvia Chang, graduate student, Feschotte laboratory, for "Can an Active Transposable Element Contribute to Danio-Specific Developmental Programs?"
Dr. Tatiane Kanno, postdoctoral fellow, Simoes-Costa laboratory, for "The role of neural crest cells in the domestication of the fox Vulpes vulpes"
Mr. Ethan Sanford, graduate student, Smolka laboratory, for "Phosphoproteomics of Recombinational DNA Repair in Yeast and Mammalian Cells"
CVG Scholar Awards
Dr. Sangeeta Ghuwalewala, postdoctoral fellow, Tumbar laboratory, for "Harnessing genomics powers to understand heterogeneity of stem cell lineages in mouse skin homeostasis and wound repair.
Mr. Josh Jones, graduate student, Brito laboratory, for "Exploring the spatiotemporal interplay between gut microbiota biogeography and host responses in colorectal cancer."
Ms. Min-Ting Lee, graduate student, Johnson laboratory, for "Identification of cholesterol transforming gut microbes via bioorthogonal-metabolic labeling and metagenomic sequencing"
Ms. Viviana Maymi, graduate student, Rudd laboratory, for "Developmentally-regulated microRNAs as a molecular rheostat to manipulate CD8+ T cell function in cancer"
Mr. Mauricio Paramo, graduate student, Yu laboratory, for "An integrative functional genomics framework for prioritizing and assessing non-coding diseaseassociated variants."
Dr. Divya Ganapathi Sankaran, postdoctoral fellow, Grimson laboratory, for "Deciphering LET-7 Mediated Adaptive Immune Responses"
Fall 2019
Distinguished Scholar Awards
Mr. Nicolas Lou, graduate student, Therkildsen laboratory, for "The genomic underpinnings of fisheries- and climate-induced evolution in a natural population"
Mr. Albert Vill, graduate student, Brito laboratory, for "High-sensitivity sequencing techniques to probe the mammalian host-microbe inflammatory interactome"
CVG Scholar Awards
Ms. Alexandra Chivu, graduate student, Danko laboratory, for "Dissecting the relationship between transcription and histone modification in human K562 cells."
Ms. Jacquiline Copeland, graduate student, Simoes-Costa laboratory, for "Wnt-activated miRNAs act as key regulators of neural crest stem cell identity."
Ms. Seoyeon Lee and Mr. Luye An, graduate students, Soloway and White laboratories, for "A genome-wide approach to characterize melanocyte stem cells and their activation.."
Mr. Bhargav Sanketi, graduate student, Kurpios laboratory, for "Reconstruction of the developmental trajectories behind the intestinal lymphatic network"
Ms. Marquita Winters, graduate student, Schimenti laboratory, for "Identifying drivers of mammary tumorigenesis and elucidating the mechanisms of cancer initiation in DNA replication-defective Chaos3 mice."
Fall 2018
Ms. Debadrita Bhattacharya, graduate student, Simoes-Costa laboratory, for "A systems-level approach to define the scope of microRNA function during neural crest development."
Ms. Alexa Bracci, graduate student, Koren laboratory, for "Dynamics and impact of replication timing evolution in great apes."
Mr. Thomas Carter, graduate student, Feschotte laboratory, for "LTR recombination as a cis-regulatory switch in great ape induced pluripotent stem cells."
Ms. Marlena Holter, graduate student, Cummings laboratory, for "Defining alpha-cell PC1/3 expression regulation for type 2 diabetes."
Mr. Andrew Marderstein, graduate student, Clark laboratory, for "Developing personalized polygenic scores augmented by functional genomic data."
Fall 2017
Ms. Maria Akopyan, graduate student, Therkildsen laboratory, for "The cytogenomics of local adaptation in the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia)."
Ms. Siwei Chen, graduate student, Yu laboratory, for "An interactome perturbation framework to disentangle benign from damaging de novo misense mutations for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)."
Dr. Katla Kristjansdottir, postdoctoral fellow, Kwak laboratory, for "Characterizing the enhancer landscape in healthy human kidney and renal cell carcinoma."
Ms. Megan Rothstein, graduate student, Simoes-Costa laboratory, for "Guided differentiation of the Cranial Neural Crest: Building a Genomic Blueprint."
Ms. Jessica West, graduate student, Grimson laboratory, for "Comprehensive characterization of 3'UTR-mediated gene regulation."
Fall 2016
Ms. Lauren Choate, graduate student, Danko laboratory, for "Global Discovery of Transcription Factor Binding in Asthma."
Ms. Emily Funk, graduate student, McCune laboratory, for "Divergent gene expression patterns underlying the lung-to-gas bladder transition in ray-finned fishes."
Mr. Sangjo Kang, graduate student, Tumbar laboratory, for "The role of histone H3 K4/K9/K27 me3 levels in adult hair follicle stem cell (HFSC) plasticity."
Ms. Brooke Marks, graduate student, Coonrod laboratory, for "Escape Pathway Signaling in Tamoxifen Resistant Breast Cancer."
Mr. Darshil Patel, graduate student, Weiss laboratory, for "Proteomic and genomic analysis to reveal the role for the DNA clamp subunit HUS1 in maintaining genomic stability upon UV-induced DNA damage."
Fall 2015
Mr. Joel Brown, graduate student, Garcia-Garcia laboratory, for "Investigating the Roles of SPCA1 and Calcium Homeostasis in Epithelial Polarity."
Ms. Ezen Choo, graduate student, Dando laboratory, for "Role of taste buds in the development of taste sensitivity during mouse pregnancy."
Dr. Anne McGavigan, postdoctoral fellow, Cummings laboratory, for "The role of the gut microbiome in the improvement in blood pressure after sleeve gastrectomy."
Dr. Hyeongsun Moon, postdoctoral fellow, White laboratory, for "Defining the Mechanism of Melanoma Initiation from Adult Stem Cells."
Ms. Jennie Sims, graduate student, Smolka laboratory, for "An Investigation of the Role of TOPBP1, A Key Modulator of Checkpoint Control, in Mammalian Meiosis."
Mr. Joel Tripp, graduate student, Bass laboratory, for "Gene expression differences underlying behavioral and morph phenotype variation."
Ms. Jiayi Xu, graduate student, Cassano laboratory, for "Gene-by-smoking and Gene-by-nutrient interaction of vitamin E-related genes in response to the vitamin E supplementation."
Fall 2014
Dr. Leonardo Campagna, postdoctoral fellow, Lovette laboratory, for "A genomic approach to understanding gene tree/species tree discordance: Estimating genomic porosity in two explosive avian radiations."
Ms. Nithya Kartha, graduate student, Schimenti laboratory, for "Identifying Key Driver Events in the C3H-Chaos3 Mouse Model for Breast Cancer."
Mr. Nicholas Fletcher, graduate student, Searle laboratory, for "Genomic Differentiation During Rapid Speciation in a Non-model Rodent."
Mr. Dongsung Kim, graduate student, Smolka laboratory, for "METTL13: a new cancer-associated protein involved in the DNA replication stress response."
Ms. Lan Tu, graduate student, Selvaraj laboratory, for "Functional study of Translocator protein (TSPO) reveals a novel mitochondria-mediated pathway for cholesterol metabolism."
Fall 2013
Mr. Jishnu Das, graduate student, Yu laboratory, for "High-throughput functional characterization of human DNA codin variants."
Ms. Sachi Horibata, graduate student, Coonrod laboratory, for "Role of PAD2 in the development of tamoxifen resistance in human breast cancer."
Dr. Iris Jonkers, postdoctoral fellow, Lis laboratory, for "Progression and regulation of X chromosome inactivation in time."
Mr. Ezra Lencer, graduate student, McCune and Harrison laboratories, for "Evolution and development of jaw morphology among cyprinodon pupfishes."
Mr. Kaixiong Ye, graduate student, Gu laboratory, for "Natural selection of mitochondrial DNA variation and its implication for complex disease."
Fall 2012
Mr. Adam Bisogni, graduate student, Lin laboratory, for "Combinations of delta-Protocadherins in Axon Guidance."
Ms. Sara Cohen, graduate student, Denkers laboratory, for "Wnt/B-catenin Signaling During Intestinal Infection by the Protozoan Parasite Toxoplasma gondii."
Ms. Ni Ye Feng, graduate student, Bass laboratory, for "Daily and seasonal changes in the molecular machinery supporting synchronous activity in a vertebrate vocal motor nucleus."
Mr. Botao Liu, graduate student, Qian laboratory, for "Investigating translational reprogramming of mammalian genome during tissue differentiation."
Ms. Aparna Mahadevan, graduate student, Kurpios laboratory, for "Organ-specific vascularization of the midgut is driven by the left-right signaling pathway."
Fall 2011
Dr. Leonardo Arbiza, postdoctoral fellow, Siepel laboratory, for "Characterization of natural selection on non-coding elements in human genomes using whole-genome sequence data."
Ms. Stephanie Hilz, graduate student, Grimson laboratory, for "Deciphering the unique role of Argonaute4 and its involvement in small RNA regulatory biology in the male mouse germ line."
Mr. Pei Xin Lim, graduate student, Weiss laboratory, for "Deciphering the molecular functions of the genome maintenance factor HUS1."
Mr. Alex Wang, graduate student, Tumbar laboratory, for "Investigating the status of RNA polymerase II pausing in epithelial skin development."
Fall 2010
Dr. Leighton Core, postdoctoral fellow, Lis laboratory, for "Examination of the role of transcriptional pausing in mitotic bookmarking of genes."
Dr. James Hagarman, postdoctoral fellow, Soloway Laboratory, for "Mutual antagonism between DNA methylation and H3K27me3 in mouse embryonic stem cells."
Dr. Colin Young, postdoctoral fellow, Davisson laboratory, for "Dissecting the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress and NFKB Activation in Hypertension."
Mr. Ian Welsh, graduate student, Kurpios laboratory, for "Functional genomics analyses in the dorsal mesentery."
Fall 2009
Ms. Amanda Cass, 5th year graduate student, McCune laboratory, for "Examining the expression of critical lung morphogenesis genes in the swimbladders of fishes."
Dr. Sha Haibo, postdoctoral fellow, Qi Laboratory, for "Identifying the roles of ATF6 in Adipogenesis Using the Systems Biology Approaches."
Dr. Hooman Moghadam, postdoctoral fellow, Sutter laboratory, for "The role of naturally occurring retrotransposon mutagenesis in rapid diversification of complex traits in the dog."
Benjamin Logsdon, second year graduate student, Mezey laboratory. "Mr. Logsdon's project applies computational capabilities to data collected at a genomic scale."
Lori McPartlin, fourth year graduate student, Bedford-Guaus laboratory. "Ms. Partlin's project involves identifying downstream targets of protein tyroseine phosphorylation."
Jennifer Page, fifth year graduate student, Weiss laboratory. "Ms. Pages's project investigates the role of RNR in de novo nucleotide biosynthesis."
Xianfei Sun, third year graduate student, Cohen laboratory. "Ms. Sun's project analyzes structure-funtion of mouse MLH3."
Fall 2007
Jin Leng, fourth year graduate student, Denkers laboratory. "Mr. Leng's project involves examining the role of histone modification in host-pathogen interaction."
Nicole Liachko, fifth year graduate student, Lee laboratory. "Mrs. Liachko's project involves examining the role of pancreatic determining factor 1a during development."
Xu Wang, third year graduate student, Clark laboratory. "Mr. Wang's project involves identifying novel imprinted genes."
Kevin Harvatine, postdoctoral associate, Boisclair laboratory. "Dr. Harvatine's project involves studying the role of fatty acids on endoplasmic reticulum stress."
Spring 2007
Ying Zhang, graduate student in BMCB, Tumbar laboratory. "Mr. Zhang's project involves understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate proliferation of hair follicle stem cells."
Carlos Guerrero Bosagna, postdoctoral research associate in Nutritional Sciences, Soloway laboratory. "Dr. Guerrero-Bosagna's project involves studying how piRNAs regulate imprinted genes."
Fall 2006
Elizabeth Bassity, graduate student in Immunology
David Corney, graduate student in Environmental Toxicology
Ryan Hernandez, graduate student in Biometry
Kevin Peterson, graduate student in Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Spring 2006
Li Han, graduate student in Physiology
Rebecca Holmes, postdoctoral research associate in Biomedical Sciences
Xia Xu, graduate student in Environmental Toxicology