CVG Stories

The CVG Stories series provides a forum for CVG trainees to meet informally with a CVG faculty member and hear about their journey into science. It is an opportunity to learn about our faculty members' experiences and growth as people, scientists and leaders on campus. The goals are to promote meaningful interactions between faculty and trainees in our community and enhance networking and career development.

CVG Stories are planned and organized by the CVG Trainee Executive Committee (TEC). These events typically include a shared community meal and are announced via the Verge-L email list. For more information, please contact TEC or Jenna DeRario.

Spring 2025

March 25, 2025

Leonardo Campagna

Dr. Leonardo Campagna

Senior Research Associate and Assistant Director
Fuller Evolutionary Biology Program
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

Past CVG Stories

Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou

Dr. Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Eirene's Story Presentation

Eirene's Journey through Science: Wonder and Gratitude

Eirene's Story Audience

CVG Community enjoys Eirene's journey through science story.

Elizabeth Johnson

Dr. Elizabeth Johnson

Assistant Professor
HHMI Freeman Hrabowski Scholar
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Paul Soloway

Dr. Paul Soloway

Professor of Molecular Genetics
and Past Department Chair
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences

Nora Prior

Dr. Nora Prior

Senior Research Associate
Dept. of Psychology

Joeva Barrow

Dr. Joeva Barrow

Assistant Professor
Div. of Nutritional Sciences

Glenn Simmons Jr

Dr. Glenn Simmons Jr.

Assistant Professor of Cancer Biology
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences

Mariana Wolfner

Dr. Mariana Wolfner

Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow
Goldwin Smith Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Associate Chair, Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Member of the National Academy of Sciences

Avery August

Dr. Avery August

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Howard Huges Medical Institute Professor
former Chair, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology

Paula Cohen

Dr. Paula Cohen

Associate Vice Provost for Life Sciences
Director, Center for Reproductive Genomics
Professor of Genetics
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences