Travel and Virtual Conference Awards
The Center for Vertebrate Genomics (CVG) is pleased to provide funding to support the travel of graduate and postdoctoral trainees to attend scientific conferences and to enroll in genomics-relevant specialized courses, training, or workshops outside of Cornell.
Standard travel award amounts are $800.
Virtual conference awards up to $400.
Application Procedure
Please be aware that the CVG's travel awards budget will be apportioned per semester taking financial need into consideration. Requests for funding will be reviewed on an as-needed and first-come basis until semester funds are exhausted. Applications must be submitted PRIOR to the date of travel, workshop, or virtual conference.
- The traveler must be a graduate or posdoctoral trainee of a lab whose PI is an active CVG faculty member.
- Travel awards require PI approval.
- There is a limit of one travel award per PI lab per fiscal year. (You are welcome to contact Jenna DeRario, to confirm your lab's current eligibility.)
To request funding, please send an email (include traveler's name in the subject line) with the following information to Jenna DeRario (, and CC the traveler's PI.
- Traveler's name, traveler's position, PI's name
- Dates, location, and title of the conference/workshop
- Financial need: Briefly explain the need for funding and why funding is not available through an existing project award or funding mechanism such as the graduate school.
- Travel Purpose: Briefly describe the importance of the meeting for your research, professional advancement, or training in vertebrate genomics. Clear genomic relevance is required.
- If a presentation will be given, indicate the type (poster or talk)
- Estimated travel costs (transportation, registration, lodging etc)
- Traveler's last conference attended (title and date)
The traveler's PI should reply to the email submission with their approval of the application.
Notification of Award Status
Applicants will be notified approximately one week after application submission.